Eagle Street

47 Residential Lots (Bellbird Park)

Type: Residential Development
Client: Lendbury Pty Ltd
Local Authority: Ipswich City Council

Civil Engineering

  • Client Representation
  • Operational Works Design including:
    • Earthworks
    • Roads and Stormwater Drainage
    • Sewerage and Water Reticulation
    • Erosion and Sediment Controls
    • SWM Quality and Quantity Devices including Detention and Bio‐retention basins
    • Park / Open Space
  • Scheduling for Contract
  • Construction Inspections
  • Superintendents Duties
  • As Constructed Certifications
  • Asset Handover
Project Description

This residential development is located at Eagle Street, Bellbird Park.

The development contains 47 low density allotments and a park which also acts as a stormwater management device for both Detention and Bio-Retention.

The site posed various challenges in relation to existing infrastructure and the extension of Eagle Street towards Kruger Parade. Examples of which include:

  • Agility Gas Line requiring protective measures
  • Height differences across existing road reserve requiring tiered retaining up to 2.5m and associated guard rail
  • Verge profile and localised retaining to maintain cover over exiting Fibre Optic cables
  • Design and construction constraints related to the extension of Eagle Street including existing stormwater drainage culverts, power poles and telecommunications contained within the previously unformed road reserve

External design and construction works included the extension of Eagle Street through to Kruger Parade and associated alterations to existing stormwater infrastructure.